Proceed! COMRADE FORCE User Agreement

Article 1: Consent to User Agreement

This User Agreement (henceforth referred to as "this Agreement") establishes the terms of use for the mobile device application software, Proceed! COMRADE FORCE, administrated by ShinkuroValley Corp. The Services will be provided on the basis that the User has read and consented to this Agreement prior to registering as a user.
Minors must obtain the approval of a legal guardian before making use of the Services. Our company regards consent to the User Agreement and subsequent user registration of a minor to indicate that the approval of a legal guardian has been obtained.
This Agreement includes waiver of the right to individual or class-action lawsuits.
The User will be considered to have consented to waive the right to bring an individual or class-action lawsuit before a court of law.
By entering into this Agreement, the User consents to assume all legal and financial responsibility pertaining to utilization and access to the Services provided by ShinkuroValley as dictated in regards to legal adults by law in the User's country of residence. By consenting to this Agreement, the User will be considered to have understood the terms herein, including those regarding conflict resolution above, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence by the Company.

Article 2: Term Definitions

1. "This Agreement" refers to the Proceed! COMRADE FORCE User Agreement
2. "Separate Agreements" refer to all other policies, precautions of use, etc. outlined in the terms of use of the Services outside of this Agreement in their entirety.
3. "The Company" refers to ShinkuroValley Corp.
4. "The Services" refer to Proceed! COMRADE FORCE as released in Japan as well as all services provided to the User pertaining to Proceed! COMRADE FORCE.
5. "The User" refers to any individual who applies to use the Services upon consent to this Agreement and completion of all steps determined by the Company.
6. "Account" refers to the username which identifies a user or that which is affiliated with the username concerned.
7. "User information" refers to any and all information provided to the Company by the User for the purpose of accepting provision of the Services (e.g. Registered ID, password, e-mail address, gender, date of birth, etc.).
8. "Personal information" refers to the User's personal information and includes the aforementioned full name and date of birth, etc. that can identify a specific individual (including that which can be cross-referenced against other information in order to identify a specific individual).
9. "Password" refers to the code for authentication of the User's identity which is paired with an account for the Services.

Article 3: Applications and Alterations of This Agreement

1. This Agreement applies to the Company or the User regarding use of the Services, whether in Japan, or in the User's country of residence.
2. In addition to those within this Agreement, other policies and precautions (henceforth referred to as "precautions, etc.") published within the Services or on the official website thereof are considered to be included in this Agreement. In the event that the precautions, etc. conflict with this Agreement, the regulations laid out in the precautions, etc. are to be prioritized.
3. The Company reserves the right to make alterations to this Agreement without the prior consent of the User. Furthermore, so long as the User continues to utilize the Services, they will be considered to have consented to any alterations to this Agreement.
4. The Company accepts no responsibility in regards to any damages or losses incurred by the User as a result of not having checked this Agreement or its previous clauses so long as the Company has not acted in bad faith or gross negligence.

Article 4: Responsibility for Account Management

1. The User must secure their account.
2. Any actions carried out within the Services by the User's account will be considered the actions of the User and as such, the burden of responsibility for any usage fees or other legal obligations incurred by the aforementioned actions falls upon the User.
3. The User may not transfer nor loan their account to a third party. Furthermore, the Company accepts no responsibility in regards to any damages or losses incurred by the User as a result of their account being used by a third party so long as the Company has not acted in bad faith or gross negligence.
4. The User's rights regarding the Services will be terminated upon deletion of their account regardless of the reason. Note that, in the event that the User deletes their account accidentally, the account cannot be recovered.

Article 5: Handling of Personal Information

1. In the course of the User's utilization of the Services, the Company may obtain personal information (as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Article 2 Clause 1 regarding personal information) or other information (henceforth referred to as "personal information, etc.") pertaining to the User.
2. As stated in the Privacy Policy found outside of the application (which can also be accessed via a link within the application), the Company will handle all personal information, etc. obtained from the User with care. The User is considered to have consented to the relevant management of personal information laid out in the Privacy Policy.

Article 6: Provision of Services

1. The User is responsible for the payment of all fees and expenses related to the usage of the Services including the required mobile device, telecommunications equipment, operations system, means of communication, electricity, etc.
2. The Company reserves the right to make changes to all or part of the Services or to suspend provision of the Services at any given time without informing the User in advance if deemed necessary by the Company.
3. In regards to paid services, there will be no refunds, return of in-game currency, or any other form of compensation made in response to cancellation by the User. However, exceptions may be made as required by law.

Article 7: Advertising

The Company reserves the right to insert advertisements for the Company or for third parties within the Services.

Article 8: Charges and Costs

1. The User may essentially utilize the Services at no cost. However, the Company may provide the User with the option to supplement or expand all or some functions, and may also provide other paid services (including but not limited to sale of in-game currency and items, etc.).
2. The Company reserves the right to make changes regarding the price of free or paid functions within the Services at the Company's discretion. The User is considered to have accepted in advance that should they decline to consent to such changes, they may no longer be able to utilize all or parts of the Services.
3. All fees pertaining to purchase, installation, and maintenance of devices, data packet fees, data costs and other communication fees as well as any an all other expenses incurred in order to utilize the Services fall under the User's responsibility.

Article 9: Prohibitions

1. The User may not engage in any activities leading to or pertaining to the following in the course of use of this application or any of its software or services.
1) Acts violating or leading to violation of any constitutions, treaties, laws, ordinances, or other statutes or social standards, or of this Agreement.
2) Using fraudulent information to register to the Services.
3) Publication of any information enabling identification of an individual, be it the User or a third party (regardless of consent by the identifiable individual).
4) Acts infringing on the copyrights, rights to intellectual property, or publicity rights of the Company or a third party, as well as any other personal, ownership rights, or other property rights.
5) Posting or transmission of any harmful computer programs, etc.
6) Any acts involving public posting, writing-up, or uploading of user contents which include information or phrasing which may incur bullying, impropriety, abuse, or abhorrence towards any third party.
7) Posting of links to adult sites or dating sites, etc. or any acts of incitement into dating activities.
8) Disclosure of any writing or artwork which violates social standards, is obscene, or makes others uncomfortable.
9) Giving notice of a crime, instructing others to commit of a crime, or any acts that may lead to inciting crime.
10) Any acts of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, faith, gender, societal standing, place of residence, physical traits, medical history, education, assets or earnings, etc.
11) Any acts intending commercialization carried out without the consent of the Company.
12) Any acts of unfairly obtaining or spreading any contents (not limited to contents and services provided as paid contents and services) provided by the Company through the Services.
13) All acts targeting the computers of the Company or any others such as any acts violating laws intended to prevent hacking, etc., acts amounting to criminal obstruction of business by damaging a computer, etc. (Penal Code 234 Article 2).
14) Any acts resulting in mental or monetary damages to a third party including disruptive behavior, harassment, and defamation.
15) Religious or political solicitation.
16) Any acts obstructing operation or use of the Services, or that may lead to such.
17) Any acts that may alter or damage the Services, as well as any attempt to disassemble, reverse-compile, or reverse-engineer the Services.
18) Any acts conveying or providing usage of user count, service contents, or any privileges that might profit the User or a third party in full or in part in the form of cash or other assets, or any advertisement, notification, or solicitation of such.
19) Disclosure of any information exchanged with the Company to a third party.
20) Any usage of external tools (bots) or other programs not officially provided by ShinkuroValley Corp. to give one an advantage in progressing through the game or to disrupt normal service.
21) Any other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company.

Article 10: Exemption Clauses

1. The Company pledges that the Services do not infringe on the rights of a third party, nor do provision and operation of the Services infringe on the right of a third party.
2. The Company does not guarantee the integrity, certainty, validity, or usefulness of the Services in regards to the User's intent of use or usage environment. The User assumes responsibility for the decision to use the Services.
3. The Company reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue the Services without informing the User should the Company deem it necessary. Under such circumstances, the Company will not assume any responsibility for damages incurred through changes, etc. to the Services. Additionally, the Company assumes no responsibility for decline in display speed or other such hindrances through unforeseen circumstances such as access overload, etc., nor does it assume responsibility for any deficiency resulting from the usage device.
4. The Company has no part in any dealings among users through the Services and does not verify any information transferred through the Services. Users must assume all responsibility for disputes and resolutions with other users carried out through the Services. Furthermore, the Company will not refund any payments by users, regardless of the circumstances.
5. There may be cases in which the Services are unusable, either temporarily or permanently, due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, lightning, heavy rain, flooding, etc., or wars, conflicts, revolutions, labor disputes, etc., causing hindrances such as small of large-scale maintenance necessary for operation of the Services, network congestion, internet service provider issues, or any other difficulties affecting the Services; or the Company may suspend or end the Services. The Company assumes no responsibility towards the User in such cases.
6. The Company has no obligation to control or manage information related to writings or artwork posted by the User.
7. The Company assumes no responsibility for any damages affecting the User as a result of unauthorized access or computer viruses, etc. implemented by a third party.
8. The Company does not guarantee the legality, integrity, security, accuracy, or compliance to social standards of any links enabling access to third party websites through this application, this software, or the Services. The Company assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage the User may incur as a result of goods or services made accessible through the aforementioned websites or usages.
9. The Company assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by the User as a result of issues, promises, or guarantees made by the owners of advertisements made through the Services.
10. Unless otherwise determined, the Company does not guarantee successful data transfer from a device to another, when the device on which the Services are used is replaced for repairs, upgrades, etc., by the User.

Article 11: Secession

1. When the User secedes from the Services, any obligations owed by the Company will be nullified at the time of the User's secession.
2. Unless otherwise determined, the Company does not allow data transfer from a device to another, when the device on which the Services are used is replaced for repairs, upgrades, etc., by the User.

Article 12: Prohibition Regarding Transfer of Rights and Obligations

The User is prohibited from transferring, acceding or pledging their rights and obligations as determined in this Agreement to a third party, or from otherwise disposing thereof.

Article 13: Compensation Liability

1. In the event that the Company or a third party incurs damages (including but not limited to legal fees, within reason) as a result of the User's violation of this Agreement, the User must compensate the Company or the third party for those damages.
2. In the event that the Company is deemed liable for damages to the User regardless of Article 10 (Exemption Clauses), the maximum amount will be limited to the User's payment to the Company completed over the latest period of one month, so long as the Company has not acted in bad faith or gross negligence.

Article 14: Regarding Inquiries, Suggestions, or Feedback from Users

The Company reserves the right not to process nor to answer inquiries, suggestions for improvement, opinions or feedback, etc., from users regarding the Services, but to act on its own discretion regarding which items to respond to and act on. Though the Company may act on such inquiries, opinions, suggestions or feedback, etc., the Company is not obligated to extend individual responses or notifications, or financial compensation to other users as a result.

Article 15: Validity of This Agreement

1. In the event that the User violates this Agreement, causing damage either to the Company or a third party (including but not limited to legal fees, within reason), the User is to provide compensation for those damages to the Company or the third party.
2. In the event that any stipulations in this Agreement, etc. are deemed non-applicable to any specific user or are retracted, this Agreement, etc. will remain valid in regards to other users.

Article 16: Governing Laws and Jurisdictions

1. This Agreement has been devised under Japanese law and in compliance with Japanese law.
2. Any litigation regarding the Services or this Agreement is to take place in first instance under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.

Additional clauses
・Established July 〇, 2024 (enacted on the same day)